My friend, Stacey, tagged me to write about 6 quirks that I took me a while to think about them, I know that I am quirky, but it is hard to come up with 6, but here is my list....
#1 When I was pregnant with my first daughter, 22 years ago, one day I was totally starving, so I took out not one can of Chef-Boy-Ardee Raviolis, but two cans to eat. I didn't even heat them up, I opened the cans and woofed them down. To this day, I can't look, smell or eat Raviolis, it grosses me out. I won't even buy them for my own kids.
#2 Everyone who knows me, I think knows this about me....I will only eat toast and a cup of chocolate milk (with Nestle Quik, NOT Hersheys syrup) for breakfast. I don't like the smell of food in the morning, and toast fills me up until lunch time. I will only drink chocolate milk at breakfast, I can't drink milk any other time during the day.
#3 This kind of goes with #2...I NEVER drink the last inch of anything in my cup. It drives my husband batty!!!! For some reason, it just reminds me of backwash. Oh, and I do not like to share my drinks with ANYBODY, not even my kids.
#4 This one is kind of embarrassing....but, whenever I step into my house, the first thing that I do is undo my pants button. I feel like I have to suck my tummy in all day long, so as soon as I get home, it is time to breath!!! As a matter of fact, when my friends come over, I usually do not button them up...they are used to it!!!
#5 I hate slurpers and people who make noise when they eat. Drives me crazy. My family would make noises and show their food while eating just to tick me off. I am always on my kids to eat with their mouths closed so I don't have to hear them chewing. Do I sound like a mean mom?
#6 I will not use public toilets, and I have never used a port-a -potty. I will hold myself until I am about to burst. I have used toilets while camping, but I will stand over them. Oh, and when I travel, I get totally sick because I can't go "real" potty in stange places.