Thursday, March 13, 2014

So excited

I am so excited because in 2 days I will be in my favorite place on earth...WASHINGTON!!  Of course, being able to see my daughter, granddaughter and son in law is what I am most excited about.  It seems like I haven't seen them in forever.  The other day, I was sitting in my dining room and I noticed this little vignette and it made me smile!  All of these items were gifts from some of my dear friends, I am truly blessed with the friends that I have!  Another thing that got me excited lately is this lantern that I got for free!!  yes, free!  It is about 3 feet high and I love it!  It was marked down at a local grocery store, but when it rang up, it was the wrong price, so they gave it to me free, I felt like I had won the lottery!  Life has been wonderful and exciting for me lately!!

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