Some of you are going to be surprised to know this about me....but, I always think that people don't like me. It is a total insecurity about myself. I do try to be friendly to everyone and I always try to look for the good in people, but for some reason, I just automatically think that people are just not going to like me. The older I get, the "better" I am getting at this problem. So, I was so excited when we had our neighborhood picnic about 2 weeks ago. We live in a great neighborhood community here in Fort Collins. At this picnic, all the neighbors voted on Best yard, Best garden and the Best citizens. There were about 500 people at this picnic, it was great. Of course, as the guy was announcing who won the different categories, I was talking....but I heard them say, the winners are Mike and Diana Thompson!!! And then there was cheering....what did I win???? Mike and I won the Best Citizenship in our community award. I was thrilled, it really is an honor. Just so you know, earlier that day, I was totally feeling sorry for myself because I miss my friends in Vancouver so much, but after I won that award, I realized what great friends and neighbors we have here in Fort Collins. Maybe people do like me after all....I totally understand loving my Mike, he really is the greatest guy, he would do anything for anyone, but me??? Thank you to all my great friends and neighbors here in Fort Collins.