Today was an FFF day, FORCED FAMILY FUN!!! And actually, it turned out to be a fun day! We went to the Wildlife Sanctuary, which is northeast of Denver. We had read about it and really wanted to see it! Bob Barker (from The Price is Right) and Jorja Fox (CSI) are the celebritities that have really helped these animals. They just donated money to have a building built for 25 new tigers and have them flown in from Bolivia. All the animals at this sanctuary have been abused but they are all healthy and thriving at this time. I couldn't believe how close we came to the animals, it was awesome!
My life is never dull....I have a very exciting family, with the best husband in the world (Mike) and the most wonderful 4 children that Heavenly Father has blessed me with. Britnee, Bradley, Bristyn and Brenton, the 4 B's.....we live in Fort Collins, Colorado. Britnee is a new mom to our beautiful granddaughter, Caralynn, Bradley is attending Clark College in Vancouver, WA, Bristyn is in the 10th grade and Brenton in the 7th...our children are our lives.