A FREAKIN BLIZZARD!!! Now, everyone knows that I am not a lover of snow, however, the first "real" snowfall of the season is always fun, for a day....Nothing is EVER cancelled in Fort Collins for snow, but today, school was cancelled, so was seminary. I love that!!! My kids have been out all day long, I seriously haven't seen them. The news keeps saying that we should be getting about 20 inches of snow by tomorrow. Not sure how long the snow will be here for, but I am enjoying it today. Ask me tomorrow how I feel about it......

These next couple of pictures are just random things that I have recently purchased. I have decided that I am loving Pier 1 Imports. I bought that jar and these 2 Halloween figurines there. I am also loving all of the Christmas dishes that they have. Let me just get through Halloween before I start buying Christmas things....